Post your experiences with artisan coffee and cafes anonymously.
If you've had coffee, you're already one of us.

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Explore your local coffee scene with Latte.

Latte helps you check out the latest recommendations from fellow coffee-lovers and anonymously shares your opinion to help others shop and drink local.

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Spill the tea Latte by posting today

Write an anonymous review in 300 characters.

Get the word out of your local coffee shop and help small business owners thrive in your neighborhood. Why not add a GIF to your post to properly convey the feeling of the first sip of coffee you took? Then choose from 3 emojis when you react to other people's posts.

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Photo of coffee shop by Tim Douglas from

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If you've had a captivating cappuccino, a marvellous mocha or even a kickass kombucha : post a review- if it gets 5 likes, we'll add it to the map!